Stunning mistake: Paid $3.14 million in transaction fees

Stunning mistake: Paid $3.14 million in transaction fees

One wallet wanted to transfer 139.42 BTC ($5.23 million), but 83.65 BTC ($3.14 million) was deducted from the transaction fee during the transfer.

The operation carried out by a whale created a bombshell effect on the agenda. Whale made a jaw-dropping mistake while trying to transfer his assets and paid $3.14 million as a transaction fee.

The whale, which transferred 139.42 BTC worth a total of 5.23 million dollars, was able to deliver 55.76 BTC worth 2.09 million dollars to the other party after the transaction fee was deducted.

Lost $3.14 million worth of BTC in one click

An interesting event was reflected in Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain data. A wallet lost 83.65 BTC ($3.14 million) while trying to speed up the transfer it wanted to make.

The transaction fee paid by the whale was given as a block reward to AntPool, which mines BTC. AntPool earned a total of 85,216 BTC in rewards with block number 818087. The crypto community thinks that AntPool will reimburse the whale for the transaction fee incurred due to a possible error.

The whale transaction was recorded as the largest dollar-based Bitcoin transaction fee ever. The previous record was a $510k transaction fee involving PayPal/Paxos a few months ago.

On the other hand, the largest BTC-based transaction fee belongs to 2016. One wallet paid 291 BTC transaction fees in 2016.

It is thought that the reason for such a high transaction fee is the transaction order. Whale wallet may have increased the reward rate to settle the transaction faster. The whale, who did not see if the fee was high enough in sat terms, lost $ 3.14 million while trying to get his job done quickly and get ahead in the block queue.