Stones are falling on YouTube! Plaque handing out CEO resigns

The famous CEO of video streaming giant YouTube resigned after 7 years of office! Here is Susan Wojcicki's farewell letter.
 Stones are falling on YouTube!  Plaque handing out CEO resigns
READING NOW Stones are falling on YouTube! Plaque handing out CEO resigns

Susan Wojcicki, who has been the CEO of YouTube for 9 years, announced her resignation via email to all her employees today. The famous CEO, known for the plaques he sent to YouTube channel owners after reaching a certain number of subscribers, announced that he had resigned to open a new page.

YouTube shared the news of the CEO’s resignation on his Twitter account!

Video sharing platform YouTube shared the news of the 9-year CEO resignation on its official Twitter account. The platform thanked Susan Wojcicki for sharing it on this subject. Additionally, he shared Wojcicki’s farewell letter.

Susan Wojcicki started as CEO for YouTube in 2015. Famous business person, she worked for Google before that. Wojcicki started working for Google in 1997, that is, he has been with Google for 25 years.

“To start a new page focusing on my family, health and personal projects that I am passionate about…” The name to replace the CEO, who announced his resignation, has already been determined. Neal Mohan, chief executive of YouTube, will take up the post of CEO of the social media platform.

Mohan worked for many years at Google in the position of vice president of display and video ads. Neal Mohan continued as Susan Wojcicki’s assistant on YouTube in 2015.

Susan Wojcicki states that she works in YouTube’s TV, Music, Premium and many more areas for her replacement Mohan. In addition, he states in his farewell letter that Neal Mohan is the right person because of these experiences.

In addition to her farewell letter, Susan Wojcicki explains that starting here was one of the best decisions she’s ever made in her life.

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