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Steve Jobs ‘Thrown’ the First iPhone at a Secret Meeting Before Its Introducing

It turned out that Steve Jobda showed the first iPhone to members of the press in an informal meeting before its presentation. What's even more interesting is that Jobs threw the iPhone into the middle of the room at this meeting. . .
 Steve Jobs ‘Thrown’ the First iPhone at a Secret Meeting Before Its Introducing
READING NOW Steve Jobs ‘Thrown’ the First iPhone at a Secret Meeting Before Its Introducing

It is well known that Steve Jobs is an important figure for Apple. Continuing to be remembered with Apple even years after his death, Jobs managed to impress the members of the press at every new product promotion, and with this and taking innovative steps, he had his name written in gold letters in the world of technology. Apple fans are still looking for the innovative steps Jobs took, because it has been talked about so often that Apple is not as innovative as it used to be.

One piece of news that emerged years after Jobs’ death is about an event where the first iPhone was shown to members of the press behind closed doors before its introduction. Steve Jobs asked the members of the press participating in this special promotion to put their recording devices aside and even insisted that they not take notes. The event that marked the promotion was that Steve Jobs threw the first iPhone in his hand into the middle of the hall.

While giving information about the iPhone to members of the press, Jobs answered the question of “how durable” from a member of the press by throwing the iPhone in his hand into the middle of the hall, thus left a really striking effect on the people in the hall. Apart from this event, what was discussed at the meeting still remains a secret.

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