In addition to powerful browsers, Chrome, Firefox, Apple’s own browser Safari seems to have to have a “verb” in particular.
Moreover, Steve Jobs didn’t even think about his safari!
Apple, which is considered the dominant of the world of technology, manages to make its name with its strategies.
Apple, which follows an effective strategy every time, manages to fascinate its users with its choices. Moreover, the more sufficient a work put on the market, the higher the company’s success.
When this is the case, Apple’s famous browser Safari, who follows a strategy in every work, comes from where.
Steve Jobs had no name Safari in mind.
Initially, different names, including “Freedom”, were considered, but none of them were implemented by Jobs. Although Alexander Great was named after Alexander during the development of the web browser, this remained a discontinuous name.
Initially, the name “Freedom ında, which means freedom, was considered. The meaning of this was to offer freedom from Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, the dominant of the era.
However, this never happened.
Although there is no clear information on how the name Safari was chosen, it is thought that Steve Jobs is a very good attack to decide Safari in the middle of all the names. Apple began to develop Safari in 2002, and in 2003, the World Developers Conference event became a web browser for Macintosh devices.
Since then, Safari is a basic part of the entire Apple ecosystem. Where does the safari name come from?
In fact, it does not have a meaning far from the alleged.
Safari is known as a hunting ritual used to explore wild nature. The fact that the Apple browser takes the name safari today is undoubtedly a very reasonable attack that is used in the sense of “discovery ..
This naming reminiscent of a kind of safari that we are looking for. The fact that the browser’s logo is a compass is a powerful marketing example that supports this name. The belief it provides to users seems to have been very effective in strengthening this name of the brand. Today, millions of Apple users use safari, leaving aside many web browsers in terms of security and speed.