Steam users played games for 4 million years

The Steam platform, which broke records in terms of the number of instant players, closed the last year with a record growth. Significant growth has been achieved in terms of playing time and the amount of data downloaded.
 Steam users played games for 4 million years
READING NOW Steam users played games for 4 million years

The fact that global game stores offer the opportunity to play with their own launcher systems allows us to access important statistics about the game world. According to Steam 2021 data, users have played games for millions of years.

Steam 2021 data

Steam 2021 data published by Valve offers interesting statistics. Last year, Steam users played 38 billion hours. This incredible figure, which corresponds to 4.3 million years, means an annual increase of 21 percent.

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2 weeks. added

The size of the downloaded data on the platform has reached the level of 33 exabytes. An increase of around 30 percent was achieved on a yearly basis. While the number of players playing at the same time broke a record with 27.4 million, the number of daily active players increased to 69 million and the number of monthly active players to 132 million. There was an increase of 27 percent on a yearly basis.

Actually, these numbers are important in terms of showing the strength of the servers of the Steam platform. While the company is constantly improving its servers, it does not forget about efficiency. For example, the energy consumption of Los Angeles servers has been reduced by 50 percent. Steam is also in contact with internet providers and strives to provide the necessary bandwidth for users.

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