Steam Deck can fail with battery performance!

One of the first battery tests for Steam Deck, which was announced to be released at the end of February, has been published.
 Steam Deck can fail with battery performance!
READING NOW Steam Deck can fail with battery performance!

Steam, the largest digital games store on the PC platform, is launching the handheld console later this month. To date, many promises have been made about the handheld console called Steam Deck. One of the curious things about the console, which is said to be able to run every game on Steam at least 30FPS, is battery performance. According to a test, the handheld console can upset you with its battery performance in some cases.

In handheld consoles, we often see that the battery comes to the fore instead of performance. However, things are different on the Steam Deck, the console offers high performance and promises good battery performance. Although we can’t confirm how well these promises have been met, as it has not been released yet, one of the first reports is not very heartwarming.

Steam Deck can withstand 2 hours of battery life

Although the console has not been released yet, Gamers Nexus had the opportunity to test the device. Devil May Cry 5, which requires a lot of performance in their tests, was run and the battery performance of the device was measured. The game was playable for two hours with the console sound turned off and the brightness at 50 percent. Then the charge runs out. When the game’s graphics settings are increased and vertical sync is disabled, this life is reduced to 87 minutes.

Although Devil May Cry 5 is a pretty heavy game, Valve promised a long period of use when announcing the console. It was informed that the usage time could see 8 hours, but it is sad to see 2 hours even in a heavy game. But there is no need to worry now. Because it is a fact that the console will be further optimized in the future. It is also possible that future updates will increase the battery performance of the console.

Developing future games with Steam Deck in mind may be a situation that will bring this console to life. Although there is no game announced to be optimized for Steam Deck yet, Valve should enter this dialogue with the developers if they want this console to hold. Since we are talking about the world’s largest digital store, even a commission discount for developers can benefit Steam Deck.

However, for now, Steam Deck’s performance in AAA games does not look very encouraging. We’ll know more about the performance when the console goes on sale at the end of the month.

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