Steam broke its own record for concurrent users!

Steam, the most preferred platform by computer players, has reached a new threshold with the number of active users in the report of January.
 Steam broke its own record for concurrent users!
READING NOW Steam broke its own record for concurrent users!

Although there are countless stores to buy games digitally, Steam is considered the father of them all. In addition to the strong community features of Steam, the fact that it offers great deals with seasonal discounts is its feature that attracts players. The rise that has been going on since the beginning of the pandemic has finally reached a level, shared data shows that Steam has renewed its record in the number of active users.

Steam has seen 28 million active users

There was a great increase in the traffic of games and digital media services, as people closed down at home due to the epidemic. We have witnessed the rise of applications such as Netflix and Discord, as well as the rise of Steam with the games it offers. SteamDB, which constantly shares analysis about Steam, announced that the platform has reached 28 million active users.

https://twitter. com/ZhugeEX/status/1480193899742347274

Steam active users

While the number of active users was 17.6 million in January 2019, it is astonishing that this number reached 28.2 million three years later. There is a big difference, and this difference could only be explained by the existence of an extraordinary event such as a pandemic. People who lock themselves at home try to kill time by playing games, and one of the best services to do this is Steam.

When we look at the data of January 9, we see that the top 5 most played games are not foreign. With 881,051 players, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive ranks first, followed by DotA2, PUBG, Apex, and GTA 5. Let’s face it, it’s a little surprising that GTA 5 made it into the top 5. Other games, on the other hand, are already engraved in our minds as those who do not fall from the top 5.

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