Statement from the Ministry on the Limit on Car Sales

The Ministry of Commerce made a statement regarding the second-hand car regulation, which was published in the Official Gazette. In the statement, all aspects of the regulation were mentioned.
 Statement from the Ministry on the Limit on Car Sales
READING NOW Statement from the Ministry on the Limit on Car Sales

There has been an important development regarding second-hand cars, which is one of the issues we have been bringing up for a while. With today’s issue of the Official Gazette, a restriction was imposed on second-hand car sales. Accordingly, galleries and rental companies will have to keep a brand new car they buy for either 6 months or 6,000 kilometers. The government believes that thanks to this method, the supply-demand balance in the used car market will improve and prices will return to normal.

Now, there has been a new development on this subject. The Ministry of Commerce made some statements on the subject. In the statement made, issues such as how the implementation will continue, who it will affect and when it will end were mentioned. Let’s take a closer look at the Ministry of Commerce’s statements about used cars.

Expires on July 1, 2023

In the statement of the Ministry of Commerce, it was stated that this practice was made to normalize the market. The regulation will expire on July 1, 2023, according to officials.

As it is known, supply and demand imbalances in the motor vehicles market can cause excessive and unfair price increases and stocking activities. In order to meet the demands received by our Ministry for the prevention of these activities and the expectations of the public on the subject, the Regulation on the Trade of Second-Hand Motor Vehicles is amended. The marketing or sale of automobiles and land vehicles, which are first registered until July 1, 2023, by auto galleries, authorized dealers and car rental companies and persons who sell second-hand automobiles and land vehicles within the scope of commercial activities, unless six months and six thousand kilometers pass from the date of first registration. will not be done. The marketing and sales restriction will expire on July 1, 2023.

Ordinary citizens who want to sell their vehicle will not be affected by this regulation.

The Ministry of Commerce also made a statement about an ordinary citizen who wants to sell a car he owns. According to the statement, citizens will be exempt from this sales restriction.

Sales of second-hand motor vehicles by final consumers will be excluded from this regulation. However, since the sales of more than three automobiles and off-road vehicles within a calendar year by final consumers can also be considered within the scope of commercial activity, the sale of these vehicles may be covered by the six-month and six-thousand-kilometer restriction from the date of first registration. With the regulation, only the marketing and sale of automobiles and off-road vehicles will be restricted.

Truck, bus, pickup truck etc. types of vehicles are not covered by this restriction. In addition to the vehicles purchased by those engaged in the trade of second-hand motor land vehicles, the marketing or sale of vehicles registered to any third party through those engaged in the trade of second-hand motor land vehicles will also be considered within the scope of this restriction. For example, advertisements given by those engaged in the trade of second-hand motor vehicles will also be subject to inspection since they will be considered within the scope of marketing activities.

Inspection will be done

In the statement made by the Ministry of Commerce, it was stated that this regulation will not remain on paper. According to the authorities, the automobile market will be reined in with regular inspections and the examination of complaints from the citizens.

In addition, complaints from our citizens will be processed immediately. Since the regulation aims to prevent excessive and unfair price increases currently experienced in the sector, the provision of this Regulation will remain in effect for a temporary period until 1 July 2023. Our Ministry may extend the implementation of this regulation up to six months, taking into account market conditions and public expectations.

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