Statement from the Director of Communications on the ‘Facebook Outage’

The services could not be accessed for a long time due to the problems experienced in Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp the other day. This situation brought with it the explanation of many official names. Making statements on the subject, Director of Communications Fahrettin Altun said that it is necessary to turn to domestic and national software.
 Statement from the Director of Communications on the ‘Facebook Outage’
READING NOW Statement from the Director of Communications on the ‘Facebook Outage’

The other day, Facebook came up with one of its occasional outages. Due to this situation, which took longer than we are used to, Instagram and WhatsApp, which were under the umbrella of Facebook, were also inaccessible. There was also a panic as these three applications were used intensively both in our country and in the world. Not to mention the loss of wealth Mark Zuckerberg suffered in this chaos.

Fortunately, although it took a long time, the problem was fixed and users were able to access the applications and services in question again. However, with the great effect of the situation, statements were made from authorized names on social media to take precautions against such situations. Director of Communications Fahrettin Altun, on the other hand, mentioned the necessity of turning to domestic and national software.

It is now a necessity to turn to domestic, national and reliable software:

In his posts, Altun gave the following words:

“The trouble experienced yesterday in the most used social media channels in the world and in Turkey has already taken an important place in the history of communication in terms of its duration, results and what it has taught or will teach the world. ”

This problem, which shows how fragile and disorderly the global social media companies, which are called “without alternatives” to the world, are in, reminded us once again the importance of a national cyber understanding. ”

“The problem has also shown all of us how in danger our data is, how quickly and easily our social freedoms can be restricted, and the disorder in social media can cause irreparable damage to the individual and society. ”

“In addition to focusing more on domestic, national and reliable software, it is now a necessity to ensure that global social media channels work in a certain and reliable order without jeopardizing the freedoms of the individual. ”

“The State of the Republic of Turkey is in charge and continues to work with all its institutions and organizations so that our citizens are not adversely affected by such problems that the digital world brings with its many benefits. ”

What happened yesterday?

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