Statement From Keanu Reeves That Shows He Doesn’t Trust NFTs

Statement From Keanu Reeves That Shows He Doesn’t Trust NFTs

Recently, NFTs (non-fungible tokens) have become quite popular. In short, these tokens mean digital certification of unique assets such as photos, tweets, GIFs, videos, which are stored and protected by blockchain technology. Many people around the world also think that these assets can be used as investment vehicles or qualified as works of art, and they pay thousands of dollars to NFTs.

As you can imagine, something so popular includes many famous names. In a recent interview with The Verge, famous actor Keanu Reeves talked about NFTs. The 57-year-old actor, who played the legendary Neo character in The Matrix: Ressurrections, which will be released in the coming weeks, laughed at a question asked about NFTs.

“They can be easily reproduced”

Reeves attended The Verge’s interview with Carrie-Ann Moss, her co-star in The Matrix. The famous actor was first asked whether he had knowledge about cryptocurrencies, whether he had any cryptocurrencies. Reeves replied that he did not follow the market; however, he stated that a friend bought him crypto money a while ago and has been holding the cryptocurrency he has bought since then.

After that, interviewing Alex Heat asked the duo their thoughts on NFTs, stating that The Matrix NFTs had recently been on sale for $50 and that these ‘unique’ assets were sold out in a short time. Reeves answered this question by using the words “They can be reproduced easily” and gave a small laugh. The famous actor made a joke on top of these statements: “I hope we don’t have a salary cut because of what I said. ”

Many people around the world think that ‘unique’ NFTs will be of great importance in the future. However, a lot of other people say that NFTs can be easily downloaded without paying, so they do not understand the excitement for these tokens. So, what do you think about NFTs? You can share your thoughts in the comments.