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Statement by Tuğba Autonomous About Tosuncuk Allegations

Singer Tuğba Özerk spoke about the allegations that 'Tosuncuk is laundering money' three days ago. Autonomous said that the person who made the report had been after him for 7 years and asked for help.
 Statement by Tuğba Autonomous About Tosuncuk Allegations
READING NOW Statement by Tuğba Autonomous About Tosuncuk Allegations

Recently, singer Tuğba Özerk came to the fore with a striking claim related to Mehmet Aydın, one of the founders of Çiftlik Bank. Allegedly, Tuğba Özerk was laundering the money of Mehmet Aydın, nicknamed Tosuncuk, through his own consultancy company. Today, a statement came from Tuğba Özerk denying the allegations on the subject.

Tuğba Özerk spoke to Günaydın and announced that the person who reported him to the police as ‘laundering the money of the fraudster Tosuncuk’, ‘destroyed his life’. The singer said, “The person who made that report has been following me like a shadow for 7 years and is using psychological violence. He is making false allegations against me. I am terrified by this obsessive, slanderous person. I am calling out to the Ministry of Justice and our security forces; please help me.” made a statement.

A statement came from the lawyer as well

Özerk’s lawyer, Ekrem Treasurydar, issued a statement and stated that he had filed a complaint against the person who made the report. In his statement, Treasurydar said, “It is obvious to the society that my client is an artist at a level that does not need such dirty relationships. We are sure that the scenario of a perverted personality who slanders Tuğba Özerk, consisting of imagination, will be refuted by the prosecution.” made statements.

Findings in the report that started the investigation:

In the investigation initiated by MASAK after the allegations, suspicious movements were detected in the company of Autonomous. The Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation against Autonomous with the report of MASAK. It was determined that there was more than one real estate registered on it, while one consultancy company was determined, of which Autonomous was the manager.

Autonomous’s debt loan from any bank was not found, but it was determined that there were money outflows under the name of ‘loan payments’ from the accounts of the companies where Autonomous was authorized, despite this. These money transfers were examined and inquiries showed that money transfers were made from a consulting firm to a construction company through accounts that do not require an account.

It was stated that the allegations regarding the company’s money laundering will be determined after the documents directly requested from the tax source institutions. The report was forwarded to the Çeşme Public Prosecutor’s Office, where Özerk’s residence is attached.

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