Spotify Seeks Engineers to Explore Web 3.0 Technology

Spotify announces it's seeking an engineer to explore web 3.0 technology
 Spotify Seeks Engineers to Explore Web 3.0 Technology
READING NOW Spotify Seeks Engineers to Explore Web 3.0 Technology

Spotify announced that it is seeking an engineer to explore web 3.0 technology.

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Leading music platform Spotify may be preparing to enter the crypto space, according to an advertisement it published on LinkedIn. According to the ad, the company is seeking a senior backend engineer to explore web 3.0 technology.

The occupant will test and run tests on new and existing products and use technologies such as web 3.0 to explore new growth opportunities.

Microsoft and Google Posted Similar Posts

As we have mentioned before, technology giants Microsoft and Google have also recently posted job postings focusing on web 3.0 technologies. In both postings, companies asked the person who would fill the position to develop the company’s web 3.0 vision.

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