Sony’s plans for PlayStation 4 are not over!

Sony’s plans for PlayStation 4 are not over!

The Sony front is still making plans for the PlayStation 4. The device, which is still one of the company’s best-selling consoles, is not easily abandoned. Because the latest information shows that Sony will also take new steps.

The company, which has a shortage of supply for its flagship device, PlayStation 5, will offer new options in order not to make the customers feel the problems in this regard. The company is expected to do this via PlayStation 4.

Sony will continue to produce PlayStation 4

The report, published on Bloomberg, revealed the company’s targets for 2022. Introducing the PlayStation 5 to the game world in November 2020, Sony had a stock shortage, especially due to the pandemic. Dealing with the epidemic that disrupted chip production, the company, like all other branches, sought different solutions in the near future.

The company, which normally aims to stop the production of PlayStation 4 towards the end of 2021, will review this decision due to the latest developments. The first information shows that the production of old generation consoles will continue for at least 2022. The company aims to break the demand pressure on PlayStation 5, thanks to PlayStation 4 devices.

Although this idea sounds logical, there are significant question marks. Because PlayStation 4, which is described as the old generation, cannot already contain many games. In fact, some productions come out with missing or reduced features on the device. For this reason, Sony, which is not clear how it will affect player preferences, may need to make a breakthrough in this regard.

The re-release of the console, which has sold more than 116 million copies in total, may be a good reason for the company, but the players do not agree on this issue. Because there are also comments that these disruptions will increase the process of reaching the innovations planned for PlayStation 5. On the other hand, the Japanese giant, which earns significant income from the game industry, seems to give PlayStation 4 another chance.

So, how do you evaluate the re-production of PlayStation 4 consoles? Do you think Sony will be able to forget the lack of PS5? Do not forget to share your views with us.