Sony Steps into NFT Market with Playstation

Sony, the pioneer of the game and console industry, will step into the NFT industry with a cross-platform with Playstation.
 Sony Steps into NFT Market with Playstation
READING NOW Sony Steps into NFT Market with Playstation

Sony, the pioneer of the game and console industry, will step into the NFT industry with a cross-platform with Playstation.

With the crypto money and Blockchain sector entering our lives more and more each day, we see that large companies are also taking steps in this area. The last of these steps is that Sony will open a cross-platform NFT market.

Sony Enters NFT Market with Cross-Platform

Recently, Square Enix’s Symbiogenesis project has emerged and we have received significant attention from other publishers and game studios. With a recent development, it is possible that we will see another similar development on the PlayStation platform in the near future. The fact that the industry is so interested in this issue does not seem to have escaped Sony’s attention.

Sony publicly showed that last year it had received a patent concerning its NFT platform. The patent was first filed in 2021 but was publicly released yesterday. In it, we see a system that allows players to find unique NFTs that can be used across multiple platforms in a game. In addition, Sony aims to enable users to use the asset in other games as well.

The patent demonstrates cross-functionality across multiple platforms, letting users know which NFTs they can use in other games and platforms.

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