Solar energy is more affordable than natural gas!

While the use of solar energy panels is increasing day by day, the costs have started to decrease significantly.
 Solar energy is more affordable than natural gas!
READING NOW Solar energy is more affordable than natural gas!

While the whole world is saying goodbye to fossil fuels, it has turned its eyes to renewable energy. When it comes to renewable energy, of course, solar energy comes to mind. The use of solar panels is increasing day by day. Thus, while costs are reduced, more solar power plants are installed.

The cost of solar energy is falling

The US Department of Energy’s Berkeley Laboratory recently published its annual analysis of solar energy in the US. Officials state that almost half of the production capacity comes from solar farms installed in 2021. In the coming years, it is believed that solar energy will play a larger role throughout the country.

With the increase in solar panel production, costs have decreased considerably in recent years. In fact, in the US it is now cheaper to build and operate a solar farm than to buy fuel for an existing natural gas plant.

When large-scale solar power plants are taken into account, the US added over 12.5 gigawatts of new capacity last year, bringing total installed capacity to over 50 gigawatts. With the latest developments, the use of solar energy in some regions in the USA has reached 25 percent of the total energy.

Parallel to the decrease in installation costs, the cost of electricity produced by solar farms began to decrease. It is believed that with the expansion of solar fields, electricity costs will continue to decrease. Especially the tension with Russia is thought to increase the orientation towards solar energy.

In addition to the USA, important steps are being taken in the field of renewable energy in other countries as well. Many countries have started to get some of their energy from wind and solar energy. While solar panels continue to be produced in our country, the expectation from the solar field in Konya is quite high.

It seems that solar and wind energy will direct our lives in the coming years. So what do you think about the increasing number of solar farms? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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