Skynet Statement by Famous Director: They Don’t Even Need Nuclear Weapons!

The famous director of the Terminator movie, James Cameron, thinks that Skynet, or more precisely artificial intelligence, does not even need to gain access to nuclear weapons to destroy humanity, it would just be enough to turn us against each other.
 Skynet Statement by Famous Director: They Don’t Even Need Nuclear Weapons!
READING NOW Skynet Statement by Famous Director: They Don’t Even Need Nuclear Weapons!

In the 1984 movie Terminator, an artificial intelligence (AI) defense network called Skynet takes control of itself and launches a global nuclear war to destroy humanity. The movie showed humanity’s greatest fears at the time: global nuclear war and an advanced robot sent back to the past (Destroyer – Arnold Schwarzenegger). Our fears and ideas about AI have changed quite a bit in the last 37 years, with Terminator director James Cameron explaining how he thinks Skynet can take over the world without even needing access to a nuclear arsenal, and how easy it would be to do it.

James Cameron, in an interview with BBC News, mentioned that Skynet can only use fake news and fake images such as deep-fake to make humanity destroy each other. “If Skynet wanted to take over and destroy us, it would actually do things very similar to what is happening now,” Cameron said in the interview. It’s much easier and requires less energy. All Skynet has to do is deceive a group of people using deep-fake, pit them against each other, stir things up, and then spread this huge fraud on all of humanity.”

Cameron doesn’t believe the technology is good enough to fool the world yet, but he thinks that will change over time. He fears that when it does, people are not skeptical enough and will be insufficient to protect themselves against it. The director also says he worries about who will be in control of the AI.

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