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Situation spins out of control at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant

The tension between Russia and Ukraine continues unabated. The UN's International Atomic Energy Agency warned today about the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant.
 Situation spins out of control at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant
READING NOW Situation spins out of control at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant

Tensions between Russia and Ukraine could have unexpected consequences at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant. The International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations today warned of a possible nuclear disaster by drawing attention to the importance of an accident that may occur at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant.

May cause Chernobyl effect

While it was reported that the facility, which is currently under Russian control, was exposed to bombing and armed attacks that would endanger its physical integrity, Rafael Grossi, head of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said, “Every principle of nuclear security has been violated at the power plant. The situation is extremely serious and dangerous.” .

In addition, Grossi pointed out that the plant is in a position where the war continues and stated that the plant is under Russian control and that security has been violated. Experts, on the other hand, underline that Russia has many weapons in the facility and that an accident can create a Chernobyl effect.

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4 h. previously added

Although the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency has stated that it is ready to cooperate to ensure that the nuclear material in the power plant is protected and to carry out the necessary maintenance, it is not yet known whether Russia and Ukraine favor this cooperation.

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