“Side Search” Coming to Chrome. What Will the Side Search Feature Offer to Users?

“Side Search” Coming to Chrome.  What Will the Side Search Feature Offer to Users?

In the latest update to Chrome Canary for Windows, Google has introduced a useful feature that allows searching in the side panel. This feature allows you to compare the search results with the currently open page and find what you are looking for faster.

To test the new side search column in Chrome, you need to update the browser to the latest Canary version and enable the feature in settings. For this go to chrome://flags and set “Side Search” to “Enabled”. Then you need to restart Chrome.

Source: Neowin

Google Chrome isn’t the first browser to offer search in a sidebar. A similar feature Microsoft Edge

We should note that the current version of “Side Search” in Chrome Canary is only an experimental feature. It will take some time for Google to improve Side Search and submit it to stable version. As always, there is a possibility that this feature will never be available.