Self Healing Car Skin Improved!

Korean scientists have developed a self-healing car wrap material. The coating, which only needs sunlight, repairs itself in 30 minutes. This technology could make scratches on cars a thing of the past.
 Self Healing Car Skin Improved!
READING NOW Self Healing Car Skin Improved!

The biggest problem of car owners is undoubtedly scratches. Many car owners resort to methods such as special cleaning materials and ceramic coating to avoid this trouble. However, no matter how much attention is paid, unfortunately, scratches cannot be avoided. However, now there has been a development that will make the scratches history.

Scientists working at the Korea Chemical Technology Research Institute (KRICT) have developed a self-healing coating. This coating is self-healing in just 30 minutes of sunlight. If this material becomes widespread, car scratches may disappear completely.

The higher the light intensity, the shorter the repair time!

Korean scientists used an acrylic polyol-based polymer mesh for this coating. The polymer network had a structure that could disintegrate in response to a stimulus and then return to its original state. By combining this polymer network with photothermal paint, scientists were able to develop a self-healing coating. Experts say that when we reflect sunlight with a lens or use an external light source, the repair time can be reduced to as little as 30 seconds.

The developed coating material has very important advantages. The first of these advantages is the self-absorption of heat with photothermal paint. So the repair cost goes down. Moreover, it can be used repeatedly. The most important feature of the coating is that it is transparent. In other words, regardless of the color of the car, it is possible for the car to repair itself with this coating material.

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