SEC Fines John McAfee’s Partner

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) fined John Mcafee's partner for ICO fraud.
 SEC Fines John McAfee’s Partner
READING NOW SEC Fines John McAfee’s Partner

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) fined John Mcafee’s partner for ICO fraud.

The organizer argued that Gale Watson helped John McAfee by working on promotional deals with various ICO publishers. He allegedly helped cash out some of the crypto payments McAfee received.

The final judgment against Watson prohibited him from buying, selling and offering digital assets in a professional capacity and sentenced him to a financial penalty of $365 thousand.

Watson can still personally buy and sell cryptocurrencies.

The SEC also accused Watson and McAfee of promoting and participating in pump and dump schemes.

As it will be remembered, John McAfee committed suicide in prison last year.

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