Scientists Have Produced a Horned Mouse!

Scientists have transplanted cells from deer into mice to create mice with horns. This work helped provide meaningful insights into human bone medicine.
 Scientists Have Produced a Horned Mouse!
READING NOW Scientists Have Produced a Horned Mouse!

A new article published in Sciense Magazine has revealed a remarkable development regarding mammals. Chinese scientist Toa Qin and his colleagues were able to extract horns from the head of a mouse. Yes, you heard right; Thanks to the work done, a “horned mouse” was produced. So how was this possible? Let’s take a look at this interesting study together.

Tissue or organ regeneration ability in mammals is not very high. However, horns are outside of this general knowledge. Because the horns found in many mammals have a much better regeneration ability than expected. The study made it clear that although mammals cannot regenerate well, they do have some regeneration genes.

Used sika deer that change antlers every year

Before conducting the experiment with mice, the scientists took advantage of sika deer, which change antlers once a year. Experts examining the horn tissue examined how this tissue regenerates on a gene basis and created a map. This map revealed the working mechanics of the horns, which grew up to 2.75 centimeters per day.

In the second phase of the study, the researchers tried to figure out which cells they should make use of. At this stage, the correct stem cell had to be identified. Scientists who successfully completed this stage, in the next stage, multiplied the stem cell in culture and injected it into the head of a mouse.

The stem cell injected into the mouse became a mini horn in 45 days!

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The study has evolved into a completely different dimension as of the 45th day. Because the test mouse now had horns. These antlers, of course, were not as large as those of the deer. However, the studies carried out led the experts to a conclusion.

The horned mice also provided meaningful data on human medicine. Experts now know how to use their findings for human bone. Maybe this study can make events such as arm and leg amputations go into history in the future.

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