Scientists Changed the Path of Lightning!

Scientists Changed the Path of Lightning!

Swiss scientists have done a remarkable work on lightning, which often causes problems. The experts, who managed to develop a special laser weapon the size of an average car, were able to deflect lightning with this laser weapon. The laser weapon will be most advantageous for rockets sent into space.

The laser gun, which was placed on the summit of Santis, one of the highest mountains in Switzerland, at approximately 2,500 meters, had a capacity of 1,000 pulses per second. Using the gun in stormy weather, scientists realized that their work was working. Because the orbit of the lightning was shifted by about 50 meters.

Here is that laser gun that changes the direction of lightning!

Measurements were also made of the laser weapon placed next to the telecommunication transmitter located on the summit of the mountain. During the measurements, it was determined that the studies did indeed yield results. However, this weapon does not produce a 100% solution. Because the transmitter was also exposed to lightning while using the laser. However, the scientists managed to achieve their goals. Lightning’s trajectory was shifted.

Similar methods have been used in the past, but to no avail. What was different this time?

In 2004 and 2011, efforts to change the direction of lightning with laser weapons were on the agenda again. However, it was not successful. Scientists who made a statement about this said that the laser weapon they developed is much more powerful than its predecessors, and even doubled the number of pulses per second. In other words, the laser weapon was strengthened, which enabled the successful completion of the previously unsuccessful works this time.

The development in Switzerland seems to please NASA the most. Because NASA was affected by the weather opposition, especially in the launches it carried out last year. In fact, four times lightning struck the environment during a launch in Florida. Laser weapons like these can help eliminate the risks around space shuttles, for which billions of dollars have been spent.