A scientist named Margaret Howe Lovatt was involved in a large-scale NASA-funded study of dolphins in 1960. The aim of this project, in which three different dolphins, named Peter, Pamela and Sissy, were examined, was to understand how dolphins could communicate with each other by measuring their brain size.
This research, which obtained extensive information about dolphins, ended without any problems, but years later, Lovatt’s statements to the BBC shocked the scientific world. Lovatt admitted that one of the dolphins fell in love with him and had sexual intercourse with him.
Some people see this relationship as “necessary”
Stating that as time passed, an emotional bond formed between him and the dolphin named Peter and the dolphin began to show sincere behaviors, Lovatt expressed the following in his confession; “Peter was sexually rubbing himself on my legs, hands and feet. So I let that happen.”
According to Lovatt’s statement, the relationship between the two ended when NASA switched teams to report on the research. Some in the scientific community found this event necessary for research, while others found the relationship between Peter and Lovatt “unethical”.