Saturn, with its newly discovered satellites, is no longer unrivaled in the satellite race

Saturn, with its newly discovered satellites, is no longer unrivaled in the satellite race

Saturn once again reinforced the title of “Satellite King” with the increase in the number of satellites returning to 274. Saturn, which is already a fascinating planet with their rings, has aroused a great impact not only in the Solar System but also in the whole astronomy world with this record number. The planet is now almost twice as much as the total number of satellites of all other planets in the Solar System.

Canada – France – an international team of astronomers who used the Hawaii Telescope discovered 128 new satellites around Saturn. This development crowned the title of Satellite King, which Saturn’s 62 new satellites were discovered last year and the total number of satellites reached 145 in a much more powerful way. Jupiter, the other gas giant of the Solar System and the main rival of Saturn, has only 95 confirmed satellites. This abyss has largely turned the competition between the two planets in favor of Saturn to a great extent.

“According to our estimates, Jupiter has no chance to close this difference, Sat Saturn’s superiority may be permanent, saying, led

Between 2019 and 2021, the Discovery team scanned the sky around Saturn in detail using Canada – France – Hawaii Teleskobu. By combining different telescopes, scientists who healed signals from astronomical objects have initially identified 62 satellite and unidentified small small objects. In 2023, the team, which again observed the same sky areas for three months, confirmed that most of these objects were satellite. The discovery was recently accepted by the International Association of Astronomy.

The mystery of irregular satellites

The newly discovered 128 satellite has irregular orbits and is usually small. Researchers think that these satellites consist of parts that have been formed as a result of collisions with Saturn’s larger satellites or comets in the past. Most satellites were found near Saturn’s Mundilfari sub -group. According to scientists, this region can be the center of collisions that occurred 100 million years ago and lead to the disintegration of larger bodies.

Ed Our careful work has brought about new discoveries about the evolution of Saturn’s irregular natural satellite population, Ed Edward Ashton emphasized the scientific importance of these discoveries.

The team said that the limit of detecting satellites around Saturn, Uranus and Neptune was reached with the existing technology. This means that it will be difficult to discover new satellites in the near future. In other words, Saturn seems to be at least as the satellite king of the Solar System.