Sapphire’s custom mining cards drop to MSRP prices

Sapphire’s custom mining cards drop to MSRP prices

In November, Sapphire rebranded AMD Radeon RX 6700M and 6600M graphics cards as dedicated mining hardware, and the prices of GPro X080 and X060 mining cards are experiencing a big drop.

Mining cards continue to decline in price

The GPro X080 model, which reached 1350 dollars in January and has an MSRP of 850 dollars, regressed to 865 dollars in February, while the X060 model with an MSRP of 620 dollars is 1000 dollars. It has dropped from levels to $565. However, the decline is thought to be due to the gradual return of video card prices.

Nvidia’s crypto mining chip sales fell 77 percent

Added 2 days ago

Prices of specialized mining hardware to MSRP prices Sales of Nvidia’s CMP HX cards also fell by 77 percent compared to Sapphire. Based on the shared information, we can say that private mining hardware is falling faster than gaming hardware, and prices will reach more normal levels as Ethereum’s transition to proof-of-stake approaches.

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