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Samsung’s new display technology will increase the battery life of smartphones

Although the high refresh rate provides a smooth and fluid image, it reduces the battery life of smartphones and tablets. Samsung has developed a display technology that can remedy this problem.
 Samsung’s new display technology will increase the battery life of smartphones
READING NOW Samsung’s new display technology will increase the battery life of smartphones

Today, many smartphones are offered with a high refresh rate display. Although this provides a smoother and more fluid image, it is a fact that it shortens the operating time of the device. South Korean technology giant Samsung has developed a solution to eliminate this problem.

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The company has patented a technology that will increase battery life without sacrificing display parameters. Published patent documents explain the function of splitting the screen of the mobile device into multiple zones with different refresh rates.

How will the technology work?

For example, when watching a YouTube video in windowed mode, the player field will increase to 120 Hz, while the frequency of the static field will decrease to 30 Hz. Thanks to this approach, energy consumption will be less, especially in mobile devices using large screens.

The patents show that frequency tuning can be done for different parts of the smartphone or tablet screen. We will see together whether Samsung will apply this new display technology to the devices it will release in the future.

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