Samsung Will Leverage Metaverse to Solve App Problems, Release Metaverse Products

Technology giant Samsung plans to take advantage of the metaverse and develop metaverse products to solve application problems
 Samsung Will Leverage Metaverse to Solve App Problems, Release Metaverse Products
READING NOW Samsung Will Leverage Metaverse to Solve App Problems, Release Metaverse Products

Tech giant Samsung plans to leverage the metaverse to solve application problems and develop metaverse products.

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According to a report by South Korean newspaper Hankyung, Samsung is considering tightening its steps in the metaverse area. According to the decision announced at the board meeting held in the past days, the company wants to make multiple mergers and acquisitions, enter the field of artificial intelligence and realize 5G telecommunications technology and robot production. The decision in question came after the decline in the company’s shares due to the game performance problem on the Galaxy S22 phones. While citing the company’s lack in these areas as the reason for the decline, the technology giant plans to address these problems and solve these problems through metaverse, artificial intelligence (AI) and robots.

Metaverse Product Coming

During Mobile World Congress in Barcelona at the end of February, Vice President Han said that the company plans to launch a metaverse product. However, he did not give any information about when it will be released.

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