Samsung plans to change the Exynos name

Samsung's Exynos brand chipsets have been on the market for a long time. However, Exynos chips cannot achieve the desired success, especially at the highest level. Still, they play an important role for Samsung. Apparently the company is using the Exynos brand...
 Samsung plans to change the Exynos name
READING NOW Samsung plans to change the Exynos name
Samsung’s Exynos brand chipsets have been on the market for a long time. However, Exynos chips cannot achieve the desired success, especially at the highest level. Still, they play an important role for Samsung. It seems that the company is considering changing the name of the Exynos brand.

According to the claim of user X, who is famous for Samsung leaks, Samsung is planning to change the name Exynos to Dream Chip. We do not know if this change will happen, but due to the bad reputation of Exynos chips, it would not be a surprise if Samsung made such a change to make a fresh start.

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