Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 sued

Phones with foldable screens, which we can show as a new technology yet, have many mistakes. Some criticism issues such as breakage caused by folding points, gaps between the coating and the screen, crushing ...
 Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 sued
READING NOW Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 sued
Phones with foldable screens, which we can show as a new technology yet, have many mistakes. In particular, there were some criticisms such as breakage due to folding points, gaps between the coating and the screen, and crushing. These criticisms turned into lawsuits from time to time.

Misleading information claim for Galaxy Z Fold 3

In the Galaxy Z Fold 3 foldable smartphone model, the hinge was improved and problems caused by folding were prevented. In its tests, Samsung stated that it is resistant to folding 200 thousand times, that is, for about 5 years.

A user in the US filed a lawsuit against this marketing data from Samsung. The user claimed that the Galaxy Z Fold 3 phone model, which he bought for $1300, was unstable in daily use and that the screen started to get damaged gradually, air gaps formed under the protective coating and crackling in cold weather. He stated that the phone cost him $1800 due to the technical service asking $500 for the screen repair.

In the lawsuit, it was stated that Samsung provided misleading information and violated consumer protection laws. The parties will be heard in the coming weeks. Last year, a lawsuit was filed in the USA for problems in the hinge part of hybrid laptop models.

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