WhatsApp, a messaging platform under the roof of Meta, announced that nearly 100 journalists and activists are the target of an Israeli spy software. Graphite spyware was suggested by Paragon Solutions, which was founded in Israel and recently purchased by a US investment company. So, how does this software work? Whatsapp isn’t it safe? Details in our news…
Using Israeli Spy Software, 100 journalists and activists were seized whatsapp information
Security experts, the attack “zero-click” (zero click) method was carried out by the method, he says. That is, the spyware may be contaminated on their devices without even having to click on any malicious connection. A similar method was previously used in Pegasus spyware and caused more than 1,400 devices to be seized.

Spying software such as Graphite or Pegasus provides full access to the operator when they get infected with a device. So, even in encrypted messaging applications such as WhatsApp and Signal, messages can be read. Although WhatsApp states that the attack was detected and prevented in December, it is not clear how long the targeted persons are at risk.

WhatsApp’s feature is broken once: Here are the details!
WhatsApp, the world’s most used instant messaging application, is on the agenda with a very interesting mistake these days.
WhatsApp officials announced that they provide information to about 100 users at risk of being attacked. However, they did not share details about who they were and in which countries they were. The company announced that it has sent a letter to Paragon Solutions a letter of “stopping activities ve and evaluated legal options.
On the other hand, it turned out that Paragon Solutions has recently made an agreement with a $ 2 million agreement with the US Immigration and Customs Protection Unit (ICE). In short, spyware like this has become an increasing threat to journalists and activists.
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