Sad Easter Eggs in Games

Sad Easter Eggs in Games

The easter eggs we come across while playing games are mostly fun and take us out of the story for a short time. But not every easter egg is like this; some of them are so sad that they not only take us out of the story, but also cause us to dive away for a certain period of time…

Luckily, sad easter eggs are pretty rare compared to fun or sending-in ones. Therefore, it was not difficult to choose the saddest ones among them. (Let’s warn before we go to the list, the events we have listed may contain spoilers.)

Far Cry New Dawn: The tomb of Boomer, our dear friend in Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 is the most authentic game in the series with its open world and music. With this game, the ‘comrade’ mechanic came to the series. In the open world, we were able to encounter certain NPCs and move with them. One of these companions was the brave dog Boomer.

If you know the end of Far Cry 5’s story, you can predict Boomer’s fate. In Far Cry: New Dawn, which tells 17 years after the events of Far Cry 5, we can find the grave of our dear friend Boomer.

Marvel’s Spider-Man: The marriage proposal put into the game does not work

In fact, the easter egg itself is not sad, it is a joyful thing, but the events that followed are quite sad. A man made a call on Twitter shortly before Marvel’s Spider-Man was released, stating that he wanted to propose to his girlfriend within the game.

Thereupon, the game’s developers said, ‘Maddie, will you marry me?’ he is writing. However, shortly before the game’s release, this person is cheated on by his girlfriend, as well as with the person’s older brother. Of course, their relationship ends, but we can still find the marriage proposal in the game.

Dead Island: The room of the nuclear family that is prey to the zombies in the trailer

The trailer of the second one, which created great excitement, but was never released, was the first game of Dead Island, which also managed to garner great acclaim with its trailer. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is the saddest trailer in the history of the game. The saddest part is that you can find the family in the trailer in the game.

Resident Evil 3: Kendo’s daughter

In the remake of Resident Evil 2, we meet a character called Kendo. This character begs our character Leon not to kill his daughter, who has turned into a zombie. Resident Evil 3 Remake is prequel to 2, so we can see the story of Kendo character and his daughter before.

In Resident Evil 3 Remake, Jill and I can revisit Kendo and see her daughter before she fully transforms. Kendo has a truly heartbreaking story.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Bonny McFarlane’s husband’s letter

If you’ve ever played the first Red Dead Redemption, you know how big of a role the character Bonnie McFarlane played. Unfortunately, we can only see this character physically in Red Dead Online in the second game.

However, it is possible that we can find Bonnie’s ex-husband, whom she talked about in the first game, in the second game, but it is an interaction that is very easy to miss. While walking around the beaches around Flat Iron lake, when you see a dead body from afar and try to loot it, we see that this person is not actually dead.

He stuffs a letter into our hands and dies on the spot. When we read the letter, we see that it is a letter written to Bonnie by her ex-husband. In the letter, she herself tells how sorry she is and says she would sacrifice everything to make things right.

Batman Arkham City: You can revisit the street where Bruce Wayne’s parents were killed

Almost all of our favorite and popular superheroes have a tragic backstory, Batman being one of them. As you know, when Bruce Wayne was a child, his parents were shot to death in an alley after the movie theater.

In Batman Arkham City, you can go to this alley and see the stripes of Bruce Wayne’s parents and pay homage to them.

Fallout 4: Evan

The character Evan you may come across in Fallout 4 is a reference to Reddit user NoohjXLVII’s deceased brother Evan. Bethesda would send out a supply pack containing Fallout items shipped as a way to support the two brothers after their father died.

However, Evan passed away before the package could be delivered. Bethesda added Evan to the game’s Nuka-World area as an NPC that watches from afar, giving a free item when interacted with. Thus, Evan could live in the game he loved forever…

Ghost Recon: Wildlands: Legendary agent Sam Fisher learns that another legend, Solid Snake, has retired

In a mission of Ghost Recon: Wildlands, legendary agent Sam Fisher, whom we know from Splinter Cell, is also included in the game. As soon as we enter the mission, a cutscene enters and Sam Fisher from Solid Snake says, “There was someone else wearing an eye patch or a bandana, what happened to him?” he asks and gets the answer “I heard that he is retired”.

“Then it was just me,” Fisher says, and dives away. Thus, we watch the respectful farewells of the two greatest agents in the history of the game, it is impossible not to get emotional…

On the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Sanctuary map, you can hear the voices of the family killed in the terrorist attack

Call of Duty has always managed to be a game that shows the heavy effects of war on civilians. Such is the case in Modern Warfare 3. In the London part of the game, just before a chemical attack, we watch a family’s vacation footage and face a bitter end. In Sanctuary, one of the game’s multiplayer maps, it is possible to hear the voices of this family.

Battlefield 1: Crying baby and his mother trying to silence him

Battlefield 1 is the only game that takes the subject of World War I and can pass the emotion to the player so much. You may not have come across the chaos created by the sounds of tanks, rifles and cannonballs in multiplayer maps, but there is a painful detail in Prise De Tahure, one of the DLC maps.

On the map, when you enter the door of the building you will see in the video, you can hear a crying baby and the voices of a mother trying to silence her so that they have no place. War is a really bad thing.

Rainbow Six Siege: Emotional gesture from the developers on behalf of the deceased player

We know you’re surprised to see a sad easter egg from Rainbow Six Siege. On the ‘Theme Park’ map, a game machine that you can find at the entrance of the building has the username ‘bostonbearjew’ and the score of a player who was a devoted fan of the game but unfortunately lost his life. You can find the relevant Reddit page here.

GTA 5: The dog that goes to its owner’s grave every day

Although GTA 5 is a game full of absurd comedy elements, there is an easter egg in it that is heartbreaking when it comes across. If you are in the Los Santos cemetery during the day, you may come across a Terrier dog. If you follow this dog, you will see that it goes to the grave of its deceased owner and sits there waiting.

  • Sources: FunWithGuru, Captain Eggcellent