Russian Rich Plan to Switch to Cryptocurrency En masse

Bloomberg claimed that Russian billionaires who want to escape the possible embargoes of countries like the USA can use the crypto money weapon. It is not known whether such a situation will occur, but Bloomberg's claim can be realized in a technical sense and such a step may reflect positively on the markets.
 Russian Rich Plan to Switch to Cryptocurrency En masse
READING NOW Russian Rich Plan to Switch to Cryptocurrency En masse

A remarkable claim about the Ukraine-Russia war, which has been the number one item on our agenda for two days, has come to the fore. According to a report in Bloomberg, the Russian rich are considering entering the crypto money world in order to protect their assets. Such a move is likely to have a positive impact on the cryptocurrency markets.

As of the first minutes of the war, neither the United States nor other countries announced a military action against Russia. Rather, the leaders said they would hit Russia over the economy. In fact, there are claims that the first day of the war cost Russia approximately 1 trillion dollars. According to Bloomberg, Russia’s leading names are considering transferring all their money to crypto to protect their money and to circumvent possible embargoes of other countries, especially the USA. In such a case, the size of the money that will enter the markets is unknown.

Crypto can break all embargoes

Bloomberg, “Russian banks, companies and individuals sanctioned by the United States and their allies can break away from the West as a result of bans, but crypto money Thanks to the anonymity of blockchain technology, they can purchase goods and services without any problems, they can even continue their investments outside of Russia and avoid the pursuit of banks and institutions that follow them.” By using his statements, he actually implied that the number one escape route of the Russian rich is crypto money.

Speaking about the news in Bloomberg, Mati Greenspan, CEO of financial consulting company Quantum Economics, said, “If two people or organizations can’t do business through banks, they can do it with Bitcoin.” used the expressions. So Greenspan thinks just like Bloomberg. However, it is not clear at the moment whether this situation is realized or not. Although Bitcoin has increased by 10% to $ 38 thousand in the last 24 hours, it is very difficult to say that the reason for this is the Russian rich.

This content cannot be considered investment advice.

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