Russia Threatens International Space Station Program

Russia Threatens International Space Station Program

Recently, we shared a news with you. In this news, the head of the Russian Space Agency, Dmitry Rogozin, said that the Russians are needed to properly control the orbital route of the International Space Station and that if any embargo is applied to the space programs, the International Space Station may fall on Europe or the USA.

Now Russia has shared a new video that we can call another ‘threat’. In the shared video, it is seen that the International Space Station broke apart after the Russian cosmonauts said goodbye. Well what does it mean?

NASA Watch shared a post on Twitter about this topic

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In a shared Twitter post, NASA Watch says: The Russian state-controlled Novosti Russian Space Agency has posted a video on Telegram where Roscosmos cosmonauts bid farewell to Mark Vande Hei on the International Space Station, and then the Russian portion of the ISS left. shared the video. Rogozin openly threatens the International Space Station program.

A few weeks ago, Rogozin had cut off the Russian segment, threatening to tear the US apart with debris from a defunct International Space Station Program. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk also promised to keep the huge station in the air by sharing his company’s logo.

While it’s unclear whether Rogozin this time threatened to blast the International Space Station into the atmosphere or simply separate the Russian part and fly solo, it is clear that this is a threat. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.