Russia reaches consensus on cryptocurrencies

Taking action for the draft crypto money law, Russia will allegedly recognize cryptocurrencies as legal currency.
 Russia reaches consensus on cryptocurrencies
READING NOW Russia reaches consensus on cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies have been one of the topics discussed in many countries. Among these countries, we see Russia this time. As it is known, there have been some positive developments regarding cryptocurrencies in Russia for a long time. This time, according to the news in the Russian media; Russia is preparing to recognize cryptocurrencies as legal currency.

Cryptocurrencies have been on the agenda of Russia for a long time. According to the news of the Russian newspaper Kommersant; A move on cryptocurrencies came from the Russian government and the Central Bank of Russia.

The Russian government and the Central Bank of Russia have reached an agreement on how cryptocurrencies will be regulated. With this agreement, Russia will define crypto as an “analogue of currencies” rather than digital financial assets. In addition, authorities in Russia are preparing a draft law, which is expected to be published by February 18.

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In addition, according to the agreement, it was stated that the use of cryptocurrencies can only be made through the legal banking system or licensed intermediary institutions.

As a reminder, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov recently emphasized that their aim is regulation rather than banning crypto.

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