RGB lighting settings can be made in Windows 11

It was reported last week that Microsoft will add settings to Windows 11 so that accessories can do RGB lighting (regardless of brand) through a single menu. The company has now officially confirmed this information. Microsoft new...
 RGB lighting settings can be made in Windows 11
READING NOW RGB lighting settings can be made in Windows 11
It was reported last week that Microsoft will add settings to Windows 11 so that accessories can do RGB lighting (regardless of brand) through a single menu. The company has now officially confirmed this information.

Microsoft is calling the new feature Dynamic Lighting, but so far the developers haven’t shared details on how it will work. The only thing that is clear is that you will no longer have to download a large number of applications from different manufacturers of peripherals to your computer.

You will be able to manage RGB settings from one place

Microsoft explains: “With Dynamic Lighting, Windows users will be able to easily configure and customize their RGB-lit devices directly from within Windows Settings. Helping all your RGB accessories work together seamlessly has never been easier.”

Microsoft has announced that the new feature will be available this month. But for now only for Windows Insider Program participants. It is not yet known when Dynamic Lighting will be added to the final version for all users.

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