Return Shock to Julian Assange!

The new decision of the court put Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who took refuge in the Ecuadorian consulate in London for 7 years, but was detained 2 years ago, at risk of extradition to the USA!
 Return Shock to Julian Assange!
READING NOW Return Shock to Julian Assange!

Despite calls from British lawmakers earlier this year to drop Biden’s charges against Julian Assange, the London High Court of Justice has ruled that the WikiLeaks founder could be extradited to the United States to stand trial for espionage and hacking. The Supreme Court also accepted diplomatic assurances from the United States.

The new decision annulling the Westminster Magistrate’s senior judge’s decision is not an acceptable decision for the 50-year-old WikiLeaks founder, according to the defense lawyer, and the decision will be appealed as soon as possible. The defense attorney described the Supreme Court’s decision as “dangerous and misguided” and “a grave error of justice” due to the mental health conditions that would put him at risk from potentially harsh conditions in US prisons.

The allegations focus on multiple documents leaked in 2010 and 2011 by former US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, and their publication by WikiLeaks. The documents included the rules of engagement for the Iraq war and footage of US soldiers laughingly firing at unarmed Iraqi civilians.

Assagne lived in the Ecuadorian consulate in London for 7 years, but was taken into custody about 2 years ago.

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