Research Revealing the Hopelessness of Youth

Research Revealing the Hopelessness of Youth

Economic conditions and thus the declining quality of life put young people into depression. Especially young individuals, who are informed from all over the world through the internet and social media, see that a better life is possible and do not find the living standards in our country sufficient. Especially in the last few years, young people who want to immigrate abroad for this reason are accused of ‘escape’ by some, but they are supported by some.

Frequent studies are conducted on these changes and transformations in our country. One of these studies was conducted by Istanbul Economy Research. In the survey conducted with 3,000 young people between the ages of 18-30, 61 percent of the young people who participated stated that they would prefer to “immigrate for a better life”. Only 13 percent of the youth surveyed said that they can live comfortably on their income.

They think the situation will get worse in the future

According to the results of the survey, 29 percent of the youth said “I have a hard time living on my current income”, 31 percent said “I can barely get by with my current income”, and 27 percent said “I can hardly get along with my current income”. Only 13 percent said “I can live comfortably on my current income”. Looking at the results of the research, it is seen that young people make plans by experiencing future anxiety due to their hopelessness for the future. Accordingly, 54 percent of the youth stated that they are busy with their future plans every day.

Losing hope day by day, young people are looking for ways to go abroad. 61 percent of the young individuals surveyed said that they prefer to migrate abroad for a better life. In addition, young people do not trust politics for the formation of a better society. With this in mind, the rate of participation in politics is only 24 percent. Instead of politics, 54 percent consider it more reasonable to support civil society movements or 60 percent to start a movement on social media. 58 percent of young people do not believe that the economic freedom situation of the next generation will be better.