Report: Global memory prices are falling and will continue to fall

Report: Global memory prices are falling and will continue to fall
While global DRAM revenues have experienced an unprecedented decline, industry experts say there is a downward trend in DRAM costs and memory prices will fall significantly between the last quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of next year.

A decrease of 18% is expected.

DRAM prices, which are used in almost every technological field from mobile devices to computers and from there to servers, are expected to decrease by 13 to 18 percent until the first quarter of 2023. In addition to the cost-based price decrease, a decrease is expected in the production and thus the shipment of the memories due to the increasing inflation.

Although DDR5 RAMs seem like fresh blood in the field of DRAM, they are not able to generate enough demand and income on their own because their prices are still not very competitive against DDR4. But price drops can increase competition. In addition, last year server DRAM will be in greater demand and outperform DRAM memory used for mobile technologies such as tablets, laptops, and smartphones, although this is where the price drop will be seen the most.

However, it is underlined that as of the second quarter of 2023, there will be an increase in DRAM production with the decrease in inflation. The report also predicts that the demand for DRAM for servers will reach a 24 percent annual growth rate by 2026. It is also underlined that manufacturers can benefit from this area.