Removable Phone Batteries Might Be Back

The European Parliament wants smartphone batteries to be removable 'as before'. In other words, the clamshell phones we saw in the past may return in the coming years. So why did such a discussion begin, and what does the arrangement that is the source of the debate say?
 Removable Phone Batteries Might Be Back
READING NOW Removable Phone Batteries Might Be Back

In a news we shared with you in the past weeks, we talked about a decision of the European Union regarding smartphones. This decision, which will be valid as of the coming years, made USB Type-C mandatory for all smartphones. For example, if Apple wanted to sell iPhones in European Union countries, it would produce phones with USB Type-C ports. The Union is now on the agenda with a similar decision.

The European Parliament is now focused on batteries used in smartphones. At the beginning of December, a preliminary agreement was approved. This preliminary agreement brought important rules regarding batteries in almost every product, from electronic products to electric bicycles. Undoubtedly, the details in this arrangement create question marks about today’s smartphones.

Smartphones could revert to removable battery setup

The resolution, which was pre-agreed in the European Parliament, sets some standards for devices with batteries. The most striking thing among these standards is that the batteries are removable. So much so that the regulation uses exactly the following phrases: “Three and a half years after the legislation comes into force, portable batteries in devices need to be designed in such a way that consumers can easily remove and install them.” So what does this mean?

Smartphones had removable back covers years ago. Users could remove this cover and replace the battery just like the remote control battery. However, the need for water and dust resistance and the widespread news of exploding batteries over the years have brought companies to a different point. Almost none of the phones released today have openable covers and battery replacements are only done by authorized services. The European Union has reached a preliminary agreement to change this situation.

Why would the European Parliament want to do such a thing?

According to the European Union, battery manufacturers have reached an agreement for more sustainable, more performance and more durable batteries. The European Union seems to be aiming to update its own laws through this agreement and to use the products for a longer period of time. For example, a phone with a much more powerful battery will be used for more than its normal lifetime. Thus, the consumer will not need to change phones frequently. When the phone’s battery loses performance, the consumer will be able to replace the battery himself. This will mean a reduction in the carbon footprint.

It is not known when the regulation, which was discussed in the European Parliament and reached a preliminary agreement, will enter into force. 3.5 years after the regulation goes into effect, we will start seeing phones with removable batteries again…

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