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‘Reminder Vaccine’ Statement by the Minister of Health

Minister of Health Fahretin Koca made a statement with 5 items on his Twitter account after the Scientific Committee meeting.
 ‘Reminder Vaccine’ Statement by the Minister of Health
READING NOW ‘Reminder Vaccine’ Statement by the Minister of Health

COVID-19 has killed many people since the first day it emerged in Wuhan. Recently, the World Health Organization announced that close to half a million people in Europe could die from COVID-19 in the next 3 months.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca made a statement on his Twitter account this evening. Koca announced that the Scientific Committee convened for the situation of citizens in the risk group and the vaccination program.

A statement was made about the third dose of vaccines.

Minister Koca gave information about 5 main topics in his statement. The first of these titles was about the age rates of our citizens who were caught with COVID-19 in the last 1 month and died due to this disease. Koca explained that 15% of the cases in the last 1 month were citizens aged 60 and over. Explaining that 84% of deaths caused by COVID-19 are again citizens aged 60 and over, Koca explained that young people should be much more careful and take care to protect citizens in the risk group.

The second title in the statement was about the 3rd dose reminder vaccines. Explaining that the vaccines show protection between 3 and 6 months, Koca stated that anyone aged 18 and over who had mRNA vaccine and 6 months past their vaccination can get their third dose of the vaccine type they want.

Turkovac statement was also made

Stating that Turkovac, our domestic vaccine, was also discussed at the Scientific Committee meeting, Koca had previously announced that mass production could only be started with 3,000 volunteers. Explaining that 2,000 volunteers have been reached in the Turkovac tests in the past days, Koca called for the citizens between the ages of 18-59 who have received 2 doses of the vaccine to receive the Turkovac vaccine as the third dose.

Explaining that they welcome the decrease in the case rates of school-age children aged 8-16 to 10%, Koca also said that this decrease in children will positively affect the course of the epidemic.

Explaining in the last article that the reason why there is no rapid increase in the number of daily cases is that the load in the health facilities should be controllable, Koca explained that it is important to control the occupancy rates of the service and intensive care units in hospitals.

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