Prince of Persia Run on Apple Watch

Prince of Persia, which was released in 1989 and has a great importance for the game world, was run on the Apple Watch. The game, which was transferred to a website, also became playable from all smart devices.
 Prince of Persia Run on Apple Watch
READING NOW Prince of Persia Run on Apple Watch

Apple’s watch model, which dominates the smart watch industry, Apple Watch also offers many game options to those who want to play games from their wrist. However, a small website published by a developer made it possible to play Prince of Persia, one of the most legendary games in the gaming world, on all smart watches and devices, including the Apple Watch.

German developer Oliver Klemenz converted Prince of Persia, which debuted in 1989 and has a special place in the game world, to Javascript code. The game has become playable on every smart device with an internet browser. On the other hand, the game ran successfully even on the Apple Watch without an internet browser.

Prince of Persia played on Apple Watch:

A very simple method was used to play Prince of Persia, which was moved to a website, on Apple Watch. Apple Watch’s operating system, watchOS, can show you internet content when you click on a link via iMessage. Here, Oliver sent this link to him via iMessage and by tapping the link, he was able to start playing the game on the smartwatch.

For the enthusiasts, to get down to the technical side, the game was developed on an HTML5-based game skeleton called Phaser. You can view the file published by Oliver Klemenz on GitHub by clicking this link to access the source codes of the game, which was recreated as a website using HTML5 and Javascript.

You can click this link to play the game yourself on any platform.

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