Practical offers you can apply to reduce your water bill by half

Practical offers you can apply to reduce your water bill by half

Water saving is very valuable to use the environment in a sustainable way and to be less financially to us. Unconscious water wastes, which are small, can have great consequences when combined.

But we can change it. What can we do to reduce the water bill and use the surrounding resources more efficiently? Here are a few easy offers.

How can we reduce our water bill?

  • Washing the laundry and dishwashers full filling
  • Using “flow” while washing something with a hose
  • Supervise taps, pipes and installations
  • Attaching pressure -lowering valves
  • Keeping vegetables and fruits in water
  • Re -use the wasted waters

You should wash the laundry and dishwashing machines.

When you wash the washing machine in full, you can save 10 liters of water in each washing.

Before putting dishes in the dishwasher, passing through the water causes an average of 27 tons of water waste per year. Instead, you just need to strip the food residues.

What you need to pay attention to when washing things with the hose:

Valuable for saving vehicles with buckets, not hose. In addition, if you use a hose on your garden or balcony, you can save 50 %of the water by placing it from the apparatus called “flow” at the end of the hose.

Another trick: You can add the Malch to the soil (a layer of an equipment applied to the surface of the soil) to ensure that the water is protected for a longer period of time.

It is useful to control taps, pipes and installations.

A small leak can cause tons of water loss per year. Check your installation in order. You can check your water meter before going to bed at night and see if there is a change in the morning or you can inspect the institution in which the water is connected.

A tap or reservoir is dropping water by droping water, at least 12 thousand 500 liters of water loss per year. So the repair of leaked places is valuable.

In addition, if you prefer aerator (aerator), low -current taps rather than classic taps, you can reduce water waste by 25 %.

You can install pressure -lowering valves.

Excess pressure causes you to consume more water without noticing. Pressure -lowering valve is a device that reduces excessive high water pressure in the water installation. It prevents the water from the taps and the other water outlets from the excessive and strong flow of the water and reduces the consumption of water and prolongs the life of the installation.

Instead of washing vegetables and fruits under water, you can wait in water.

It is a more efficient method to wait in large containers in large containers rather than washing the fruit and zerzevats under the flowing water. Moreover, the nutrients you are waiting in carbonated water are purified much more adequately than chemical wastes.

There are other practical ways of saving in the kitchen. For example, instead of pouring pasta or zerzevat boiled water into the sink, you can cool and use it to irrigate the plants or add other cooking. Thus, the food value of the food increases.

Everyone can think of it, but let’s remember again …

Before entering the shower or before washing something, we open the tap to warm the water and expect a respite. In this period, you can use the flowing water to accumulate in a bucket instead of wasting and clean.

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