Portable kettle seeking donations

Portable kettle seeking donations
Over the years, we see that thermos products, which are used to keep our drinks hot or cold, are gradually developing. After developments such as longer times and a digital thermometer display, thermoses that heat themselves are now coming.

Kimos Thermos features and price

Developed by a US startup, the thermos model called Kimos is actually thought of as a portable kettle. It claims to be the only thermos in the industry that can boil water. With its internal battery, it is possible to obtain hot water in 3 minutes by pressing a single button.

We’ve seen USB heated cups that keep your drink hot before, but Kimos is pretty ambitious. It can boil your water up to 5 times with a single charge. It also maintains the temperature for up to 4 hours after boiling.

Offering fast charging via USB, Kimos is water and dust resistant. In addition, sensors and other protection solutions that will ensure that it does not work without water are also in place. The project, which asks for a donation of $89, will begin distribution in October.