Popular Musician Pharrell Williams: Web3 Scares the System

Speaking at VeeCon, the musician talked about how he sees blockchain technology changing the world for the better.
 Popular Musician Pharrell Williams: Web3 Scares the System
READING NOW Popular Musician Pharrell Williams: Web3 Scares the System

Speaking at VeeCon, the musician talked about how he sees blockchain technology changing the world for the better.

Popular musician and producer Pharrell Williams spoke at the VeeCon NFT conference on Saturday. Williams talked about the potential impact of Web3 on the creative industries, but also on human rights and the world.

Musician, producer and fashion designer Williams believes a revolution is coming that will shake up the music industry, the financial system and even the government, and he thinks blockchain and decentralized Web3 technology are key. Williams interviewed event creator Gary Vaynerchuk at VeeCon on Saturday. The singer talked about her introduction to NFTs and how she sees the underlying technology that powers social progress.

Ultimately, Williams believes the risks in blockchain and Web3 are even greater than shaking up technology and entertainment. He believes that decentralized communities and creators can make a significant change in the world by standing up to governments that try to limit or abolish human rights.

“You come here to talk to people about blockchain and Web3. What you need to know is that right now is a moment when everything changes. You’re all looking at these old systems – you know they’re old, you know they don’t work. And you stand up and say ‘stop now’. Blockchain and Web3 – unlocking what scares the system. You are all the most powerful people on this planet. You don’t know yet.”

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