Recognized as one of the best call filtering apps, Truecaller has announced that it has partnered with several Android smartphone manufacturers in India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Latin America to reach more users. The company hopes its app will be pre-installed on 100 million devices in the next two years.
Although the Truecaller app is pre-installed, it will not force people to use the app, leaving them free to use other phone apps. Truecaller’s ability to block calls from potential scammers makes it a very useful app.
Alan Mamedi, CEO and co-founder of Truecaller, said, “Truecaller remains one of the most downloaded apps in many major countries. However, not every smartphone user is tech savvy enough to download an app. Our global target “We aim to make Truecaller easier to use for millions of new users.”
Truecaller has not announced which Android manufacturers it will partner with in the coming years, but this information is expected to be shared soon…