Poolin Admits Liquidity Issues

Poolin, one of the largest mining pools in the world, said that it is looking for ways to solve liquidity problems.
 Poolin Admits Liquidity Issues
READING NOW Poolin Admits Liquidity Issues

Poolin, one of the largest mining pools in the world, said that it is looking for ways to solve liquidity problems.

Kevin Pan, CEO and founder of Poolin, said that borrowing could be considered to solve the liquidity problem.

Seeking Solutions to Poolin Problems

The bear market continues to push the cryptocurrency world. In this period, most of the companies are waiting for these days to pass while they are going through difficult times. Kevin Pan, CEO of Poolin, one of the largest mining pools in the world, said that users’ funds are safe, and that it can be considered to take a loan to solve the liquidity problem.

According to Poolin’s telegram support channels, users have been having trouble withdrawing their funds since August.

On the subject, Poolin CEO Kevin Pan admitted in a program he attended that the company had no liquidity, but said that user assets were safe. Pan wrote that the net worth of the company is still positive and there will be a plan soon on how to deal with the issues. The plan mentioned borrowing backed by equity or machinery.

In a message sent to the mining pool’s China Telegram channel at the time the plan was released, it tried to explain that client funds were safe and a rug pull rumor was untrue.

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