Polemic between Volkswagen and Tesla!

Volkswagen and Tesla disagreed over the Lidar sensor. While Volkswagen finds Lidar necessary, Tesla finds it unnecessary.
 Polemic between Volkswagen and Tesla!
READING NOW Polemic between Volkswagen and Tesla!

With the widespread use of electric cars, the interest in autonomous driving has started to increase. The fact that Tesla has been selling fully autonomous driving technology with its vehicles for a long time has increased the interest of other automobile companies in autonomous driving.

Autonomous driving technologies vary according to companies. Each company wants to launch the autonomous driving feature that provides a better experience using its own technology. Sometimes there are differences of opinion between companies such as Volkswagen and Tesla.

Volkswagen and Tesla have different views on the Lidar sensor!

Volkswagen’s CEO, Herbert Diess, recently attended a Reddit Q&A. In this talk, Diess talked about electrification, software and freedom in automobiles. Answering a question about Level 3 autonomy during this conversation, Herbert Diess explained that the Lidar sensor is very important for Level 3.

Lidar sensor is not used much today due to its cost. In this case, companies benefit from 360-degree camera technology, which is an indispensable feature of our age for autonomous driving. In this way, companies ensure that the vehicle is positioned and progressed on the road with the image coming from the cameras.

When we come to Level 3 autonomy, things get a little different. The 360 ​​degree camera is not enough for the cars to go completely by themselves and it is desired to apply to the Lidar sensor. For this, Volkswagen recently partnered with Intel’s subsidiary MobileEye for the Lidar sensor.

Volkswagen’s CEO, Herbert Diess’s personal friend, Elon Musk, has a very different opinion on this matter. The famous billionaire thinks that Lidar technology is unnecessary for fully autonomous vehicles. Musk, in his statement recently, stated that until today, people do not need Lidar sensors and they will not need them in their cars.

In addition, Herbert Diess, Volkswagen ID. He stated that a new update will come in 4. This update will contain many innovations. With this update, Auto Hold and Plug&Charge feature will be available in the vehicle. In this way, the vehicle will have much better features. So, what are your thoughts? Do you think a Lidar sensor is needed? Don’t forget to share your feedback with us on the SDN Forum or in the comments!

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