Podcast tab may come to Twitter soon

The social media application Twitter does not get enough of innovations. Engineer Jane Manchun Wong announced in a statement that Twitter is testing the podcast feature this time.
 Podcast tab may come to Twitter soon
READING NOW Podcast tab may come to Twitter soon

Popular social media application Twitter continues to test new features. Twitter acquired podcast app Breaker after launching Spaces in 2020. On top of that, it was wondered whether Twitter would make an innovation on the podcast. Engineer Jane Manchun Wong gave the highly anticipated answer to these questions. According to the screenshots he shared, Twitter may be testing the podcast tab.

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1 week. added

Twitter testing Podcasts tab

Screenshots by Jane Manchun Wong, Twitter’s “Podcast” It shows that it is testing the ‘s” tab. According to the shared screenshots, pressing the microphone icon in the bottom menu bar of Twitter will lead the application to the “Podcasts” tab.

The screenshot doesn’t show anything on what podcasts will look like on the platform or whether the platform will somehow incorporate Spaces, their voice chat rooms. However, Twitter is likely to integrate it with Spaces when it launches the podcast tab, since Spaces is similar to podcasts.

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