Phone on charge can cause obesity and diabetes

The phones, which do not fall into our hands in daily life, do not leave our side even when we sleep. This leads to obesity and diabetes! Here are the details..
 Phone on charge can cause obesity and diabetes
READING NOW Phone on charge can cause obesity and diabetes

Diseases that have increased rapidly in recent years can sometimes be caused by technology. While experts have been giving advice for the correct use of technological devices for years, many smartphone users decide whether their phone is healthy with only SAR values. Although the high SAR values ​​that were once said for replica phones enabled more conscious people to take part, especially in our country, experts repeat the warnings through different areas.

According to the research, almost all technological products, especially mobile phones, emit high radiations, especially while sleeping and charging. The electromagnetic radiation emitted, on the other hand, leads to obesity and diabetes disorders in the person.

Do not charge your phone near you while you sleep

According to research by experts, mobile phones emit 2.3 milligauss of electromagnetic radiation when they are in operation. In other words, we are exposed to 2.3 milligauss of radiation when the phone is not charging and is being actively used. However, a charging phone emits about 3.4 milligauss of electromagnetic radiation. While these values ​​change as you move away from the device and get closer, it is said that this increase in charging is more dangerous for health.

Also, the phone continues to emit electromagnetic radiation only when it is openly next to you. At a distance of 5 centimeters 1 milligauss, at a distance of 10 centimeters 0.5 milligauss and at a distance of 15 centimeters 0.3 milligauss electromagnetic radiation comes into contact with the body.

Charging phone while sleeping disrupts metabolism

Experts recommend turning off your phone and unplugging all electronic devices in the room before going to bed at night. It is stated that people who cannot do this should not keep their phones in the room where they sleep, otherwise it can be an invitation to diseases. British scientists explained that phones and tablets that are charged while sleeping affect the secretion of melatonin in the body and cause the metabolism to become unbalanced. It was added as an important note to the study that this situation may cause diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

Do you charge your phone while you sleep? Are you considering giving up this habit? You can specify in the comments…

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