Perseverance back on stage on NASA’s Mars mission

NASA announced that they have started work to examine the rock, which it named Sid, with the Perveseranca exploration vehicle.
 Perseverance back on stage on NASA’s Mars mission
READING NOW Perseverance back on stage on NASA’s Mars mission

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) shared new photos from the Perseverance trip. Providing information about the Mars mission, NASA announced that they are working on the rock named Sid with the Perseverance vehicle.

Perseverance vehicle will visit previously unexplored locations in the near future. Sid, the last sample collected before the new discovery, has the distinction of being the milestone of the Mars mission.

Perseverance instrument at the start of its mission: NASA rolls up its sleeves for Sid

Commenting on the subject on Twitter, NASA said, “I took out my etching tool again to examine my next rock target. The Martian surface is extremely beautiful and underneath is pretty interesting.” made statements.

Sid was found at the site where the Perseverance rover landed on Mars in February 2021. Located inside Jezero Crater, Sid is a type of Martian rock called “Ch’al” meaning frog. The Ch’al rocks are located in the Santa Cruz area of ​​the crater where the body of water is presumed to have been in the past. This scientifically important location is presumed to be a remnant of Jezero’s western delta.

Purdue University student Brad Garczynski said, “It represents a unique geological episode in the history of the crater floor that we have yet to sample. After weeks of discussion, the science team delivered the Perveserance vehicle to the mission to retrieve the rock called Sid.” said.

In the past, NASA has referred to exploration tools like Perseverance as “robot geologists.” Exploration tools use a built-in etching tool to create the circular pattern when it comes to examining rocks.

What do you think of the Perveserance vehicle’s Sid mission? You can share your ideas in the comments section and on the SDN Forum.

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